Thursday, September 19, 2013

Know your Kolkata Food Blogger - Meet Jayati of Jayati's Food Journey and create one of her recipes!

And here I am..back again with a new post. This week it's Jayati who is getting featured in the Know your Kolkata Food Blogger Event. Jayati is one of the new members of KFB but she is a veteran in the food blogosphere. Her blog Jayati's Food Journey is a treasure trove of recipes. What i liked most about her blog is her focus on traditional bengali recipes. Recipes that are not regularly created in Bengali kitchens anymore -Kumro Fuler Bora(Pumpkin Blossom fritters) or Laupatay Puti Maach(Small fish wrap) are all heritage dishes.
I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting her personally but hope to do so in the near future. I had initially thought of trying out one of her traditional recipes but because of time crunch - am having to pick up one easy recipe from her blog. Now egg is an all time favourite with the family and she had blogged about the Spanish Omlette sometime back.
I almost instantly picked it up and recreated that into a Spanish Pancake . The spanish pancake originally is mostly sweet, but i thought that a savoury version would turn out just as good. It is loaded with the goodness of veggies - you can add just about anything you want and is very very tasty. 


Egg - 3 nos

Flour - 3 tbsp

Milk - half a cup

Baking powder - 1 tsp

Potatoes - 1 small - thinly sliced

Onion - half an onion - thinly sliced

Green peas - a handful

Chicken sausages - 2 - roughly chopped

Coriander leaves/cilantro - a handful - finely chopped

Chilli flakes - 1 tsp

Salt - to taste

Crushed pepper - 1 tsp

Butter - 1 tsp

Olive oil - 1 tsp


In a bowl , whisk the egg with salt and pepper. Add the flour and the milk and mix well into the egg mixture. Keep this aside.

In a small non stick pan , heat the butter and the olive oil.
Tip in the onion ,potatoes , sausages and the peas.
Saute till it turns light brown in colour.

Add the chilli flakes and the salt to taste. Keep a check on salt as sausages can get too salty.

Next add the egg-flour mixture into the pan, sprinkle the chopped coriander on top and cover with a lid. Keep on low heat.

After 5-7 mins - turn it around with a flat spoon/spatula.

Cook for another 2-3 mins. 
Cut into wedges and serve hot.

Jayati,I hope you like my version of your recipe. And folks don't forget to visit Jayati's Food Journey for some great recipes. Till then enjoy this dish!